This page dispels myths about private colleges as well as walks you through the Private and Out-of-State University admission process, especially the Common Application.

Out of State Public Schools will have their own applications and requirements that can be found on their respective websites. Private schools are a great option for many of our students, but many of our students don’t see them as an option. Private schools have no minimum requirements and they offer a variety of options to students. There are many myths about private schools and we want to set them straight.

[ct_button id=”button_32″ size=”big” solid=”1″ link=”” icon=”fa-star” arrow=”1″ color=”#1E90FF” css_animation=”” animation_delay=””]APPLY TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS[/ct_button]

Deadlines Vary!

Myths about Private Schools

  • I can’t afford to go to a private college
  • Private colleges are like private high schools
  • Private colleges are harder to get into
  • Private colleges are more challenging


  • Private colleges open students up to many more options and much more variety as far as size, location and athletics
  • With financial aid, many private colleges can be more affordable for low income students than public colleges. Some even offer free tuition for low income families.
  • Private just refers to how the college is owned. They are no different, as a whole, than public schools
  • How difficult a school is to get into and how challenging it is once you get there varies on a school by school basis


Most private schools use the Common Application. See a list of private schools using the Common App here (

Application Fee Waivers may be requested on the “Profile” screen of the Common Application

The Common App has similar components to the UC Application: Course/Grade Entry, Awards and Activities, Personal Statement

Awards and Activities

Check out this helpful handout! (Same handout as UC)

Personal Statement

This is your interview. It is a chance for you to fill in any blanks left by your application and let the reader get to know you on a more personal level.

Pick 1 of 5 Prompts, 650 words total (maybe we do something a little more creative with this than just writing it?)

-(This year’s prompts)

-Check out this website for tips on the Common Application! (